Franchise Disclosure Document

Franchise Disclosure Document,Everything You Need To Know

The franchise agreement and the franchise disclosure document (FDD) perplexed several first franchisors and potential franchisees. These documents play a big part in the franchising procedure, and it’s crucial to know what they mean.

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is the most important document to review before purchasing a franchise. This document assists you in comprehending the financial and legal commitments you will make as a franchisee.

We shall understand these topics related to FDD franchise documents. 


What is a Franchise Disclosure Document?

As part of the pre-sale due diligence process, persons interested in purchasing a United States must get a franchise disclosure document (FDD). The booklet includes crucial information for potential franchisees considering a significant investment.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), every franchisor must disclose 23 particular topics in the FDD, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FDD, on the other hand, is not a contract and does not establish a business relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee.

Moreover,According to the FTC, franchisors must give the franchisee with the FDD at least 14 days before signing it or exchanging any initial funds. After the franchisor receives the franchise application and agrees to consider it, the franchisee is entitled to a copy of the FDD.



What is a Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC)? 

Before issuing a franchise, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) compels franchisors to provide potential franchisees with a Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC), currently known as a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD).


What are the Sections of the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)?

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) provides essential information for potential franchisees considering a significant investment. The following sections, in the order shown below, must be included in each document:

Franchise Disclosure Document


The 23 sections of FDD are

  1. The franchisor and any parents, predecessors, and affiliates: This part establishes the length of time that the franchisor has been in business.
  1. Business experience: The executive team’s expertise in charge of the franchise system described.
  1. Litigation: Covers the franchise’s pending material and previous actions.
  1. Bankruptcy: Bankruptcies affect the franchise, its predecessors, and affiliated companies.
  1. Initial fees: The franchisor must disclose any fees imposed on franchisees.
  1. Other fees: Hidden or unreported fees can lead to disagreements later on. Therefore a franchisor must be careful to disclose all prices and be completely honest.
  1. Estimated initial investment: The franchisee should be informed of the initial investment’s low and high ranges and an estimation of their working capital.
  1. Restrictions on sources of products and services: This section covers any compulsory purchases of products and services and any ownership or financial link between the franchise and the necessary suppliers.
  2. Franchisee’s obligations: The reference table lists the franchisee’s responsibilities.
  1. Financing: Describes the terms of any funding agreements.
  1. Franchisor’s assistance, advertising, computer systems, and training: Explains the pre-opening and ongoing service that the franchisee can expect from the franchisor.
  1. Territory: While a franchisor is under no duty to provide a franchisee with a specific range or domain to operate, this is the place to list any geographical limits the franchisor imposes on the franchisee.
  1. Trademarks: The trademarks that the franchise has registered are shown.
  1. Patents, copyrights, and proprietary information disclose patents, copyrights, and other protected information not covered under the trademarks section.
  1. Obligation to Participate in the actual operation of the franchise business: This clarifies if the franchise is kept as a separate entity or if direct participation is required.
  1. Restrictions on what the franchisee may sell: This clause applies if only franchise-approved goods and services are sold.
  1. Outlines the detailed processes including Renewal, termination, transfer, and dispute resolution.
  1. Public figures: A celebrity appearing in franchise advertising is covered by any person with the franchise’s name or physical appearance.
  1. Financial performance representations: A area for a franchisor to assess a franchise’s perspective success based on fair assumptions is available as an option.
  1. Outlets and franchisee information: The franchise statistics for the last three years include the number of company-owned and franchised locations in operation.
  1. Financial statements: As part of the franchisee’s FDD, the franchisor must produce three years of financial statements. Balance sheets, statements of operations, owner’s equity, and cash flows are all examples of financial statements.
  1. Contracts: The franchisor lays out the terms of the franchise agreement here. Finance agreements, product supply agreements, personal guarantees, software license agreements, and any other contracts particular to the franchise’s condition are included in the terms.
  1. Receipts: The FDD concludes with this section. The franchisor will go over the disclosure and business decisions made by the two parties and provide any extra information to the franchisee.

Key Fact Sheet


Franchise Disclosure Document


The Key Facts Sheet contains a portion of the disclosure document’s information. Each year, within four months after the financial year’s conclusion, the Key Facts Sheet must be revised in the same way that the disclosure document updated.

What does a Key Fact Sheet include?

The Key Facts Sheet would:

To summarize,the key facts sheet’s objective is to offer every franchisee shorter, more readable documentation that emphasizes the distinguishing aspects of the franchise network you’re considering joining.

Information Statement


Franchise Disclosure Document


The information statement is a general declaration about the risks and benefits of franchising. The information statement given to prospective franchisees as soon as possible after they have formally applied for or expressed interest in purchasing a franchised firm.

Franchising Code of Conduct


A copy of the Code is the final document in the package that every franchisee should get.

In Australia, the Franchising Code of Conduct is the crucial legislation governing franchising. Likewise,You have direct access to the source of law that controls your franchisee rights and obligations. 

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commision regulates the Franchising Code of Conduct and provides guidance for franchisors and franchisees.



Franchise Disclosure Document Example

One of the most popular franchises is Mcdonald’s. It’s why you can get a free printable copy of McDonald’s Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) from Franchise Deck.

Free franchise disclosure document template

Firstly,You can download a free franchise disclosure document template with us.

Secondly,the paid FDD documents will be your exact franchise disclosure requirements.

As you get closer to purchasing or selling a franchise, you’ll need to research to get the correct assistance. Maybe you have a terrific lawyer who cares about your present business and personal affairs.

Finally,We strongly recommend that the franchise agreement and FDD cover the terms and conditions to avoid franchise disputes. You can also hire or take the assistance of a franchise dispute lawyer if you come across any.




The relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee is in the disclosure part of the Franchise Disclosure Document.But, the franchise agreement — the legal contract — governs the relationship. This section provides an overview of the franchise agreement and guides how to analyze it.

In Addition,you may also hire a certified public accountant (CPA) to help you prepare your tax returns. If that’s the case, you’re off to a solid start. Don’t panic if you don’t have access to a franchise lawyer or a CPA. It’s not difficult to find expert assistance.

We hope that our articles will be helpful to you as you begin your franchise career.If you need any assistance, we are available to assist you. 

If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section.

Alternate options to check out

  1. Estrella Insurance Franchise

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